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 Didactic Materials and Resources are part of the Teacher Training Course. Neither the topics, nor the materials or resources are sold to non-EPO candidates. Our students will have all related materials at their disposal prior to the session where they will be covered. Materials and resources on the website are only available to registered EPO students. These are the different materials available for you:


1. Topics: a copy of each topic to be developed and explained in the following sessions will be provided. Audiovisual materials used for the explanation of topics will be available in the private access area reserved to registered candidates.


2. Practical Cases: To be also found in the restricted area, there will be a number of practical cases, with an indication of the session when they are going to be corrected.


3. Guidelines to develop the Programming and the Didactic Units: For the different sections of the programming and the didactic units, different files including guidelines, resources and materials will be given to help students elaborating their personal required examination documents.


4. Legislation: There will be a page on the web devoted to the legislation in the different Autonomous Communities.


5. Additional bibliographical resources: on the private area you will find additional resouces and excellent materials to be used to enrich the programming and the units, to extend the topics and, in the end to go further in your training process. 

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