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          A clearly structured and organised training is the key for your success. Candidates are given a whole year lessons calendar at the beginning of the season, with clear indications of everything to be developed in the different sessions and the contents covered in each of them. The different areas to be covered during the training are:

A section of the lesson will be devoted to the explanation of the different topics, which is achieved with the assistance of audiovisual materials. Topics have been elaborated by experienced teachers with more than twenty five years of teacher-training experience and a huge number of students who have already become civil servants/state teachers. Topics have beed developed under strict scientific, pedagogical and legislative regulations, and they are, of course,  regularly updated. A deep understanding and study of the topics is of paramount importance as section A of the process, i.e. topic plus practical case, is eliminatory. 



Since 2012 venue, the first section of the competitive examination includes the developmet of a practical case. Candidates will be provided with many different practical cases together with clear gidelines to solve them with the assistance and explanation of our trainers. As the listening skill will also be included in the practical section of the exam, listening practice will be regularly included in the sessions. Practical cases will be analysed and corrected during the lessons. 



A good portion of the sessions will be devoted to the elaboration of the programming. Candidates will be provided with documents and guidelines, which are analysed and explained during the sessions, for the elaboration of an appropriate syllabus.  Programmings will be revised and corrected.



Candidates will also be given guidance and instruction on proper design of didactic units. The whole design process will be supervised by the trainer and helping materials, including a model unit, will be provided. As well as the programming, the didactic units will be revised and corrected.



Due to the pecualiarities of our speciality, which is to be developed completely in a foreign language, candidates must have a perfect written expression and style. Consequently, EPO students will regularly take written exams of topics previously covered in class. Guidance and explanations will be provided on different aspects and procedures to successfully develop this part of the competitive examination. 



The defence of the Programming and the oral exposition of the Didactic Unit requires candidates to master a number of oral expression techniques and also an intensive training programme simultaneously. Nothing can be improvised. Consequently, great amount of time during the whole year will be devoted to this essential aspect of the process. The deep experience of our trainers as oral examiners for B2,C1 & C2 CEFRL Levels will greatly contribute to your success.



 Information on the different venues across the country will be given as they are appear. Candidates will also be provided with the different legislation ruling those venues in the different autonomous communities. We will also facilitate EPO students information about didactic resources and materials available and guidelines on how to use them.



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